Ntratamiento del ebola pdf

Ebola response guidance and recommendations for first. Ebola is also known as ebola virus disease evd or ebola hemorrhagic fever ehf. Overview of needs and requirements for the ebola response. Ebola was first identified in 1976 near the ebola river in the country now known as the democratic republic of the congo. Ebola tratamientos, sintomas e informacion en cuidateplus.

Withdrawn ebola infection prevention and control guidance for emergency departments ref. Ce sont des maladies nosocomiales par contact interhumain. Smoking, secondhand smoke and crowded living conditions also increase the risk for some kinds of. Ebola response guidance and recommendations for first responders. Framework for phase 3 of the ebola outbreak response. Healthcare workers in liberia, official cdc health advisory. If available, change into scrubs before donning ppe in order to prevent any disposal of personal clothing or uniforms.

There are five ebola subspecies, four of which are known to cause the disease. Ebola hemorrhagic fever, or ehf, and is a disease caused by a group of viruses known as ebola viruses. Evasion of interferon responses by ebola and marburg viruses. Ebola ebola virus disease ebola ebola virus disease fact sheet. Information on this website is available in alternative formats upon request. Ebola response guidance for emergency medical services. Meningitis occurs in people of all ages, but it is more common in children and people over 65. The name ebola is actually the name of a river found in the democratic republic of congo near where some of the first cases were identified. Quick facts ebola virus disease evd is transmitted by direct contact with blood and body fluids of someone who has symptoms of disease, including fever, headache, body aches, abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. That document offers a plan for achieving and sustaining resilient zero in guinea, liberia and sierra leone through actions to be undertaken by ebolaaffected communities and national authorities, with support from the international community. Nh department of health and human services ebola response guidance for ems division of public health services 2 november 3, 2014 don appropriate ppe. Surveillance for ebola virus disease ebola in the west african countries heavily affected by ebola guinea, liberia, and sierra leone faced numerous impediments, including insufficient numbers. Additionally, people with weak immune systems are more at risk for meningitis.